

What is Black Oxide?
Oct 15, 2023

Black oxide is a chemical conversion process used to blacken the surface of a part without adding a thick coating. A chemical conversion process uses a chemical solution to force a reaction on the surface of the part rather than a plating or coating process which adds a thicker layer on top of the base material.

Hot black oxide coating consists of a hot bath of nitrates, nitrites, and sodium hydroxide. The interaction between the ferrous material and the bath turns its surface to magnetite. Then, the material is dipped in alkaline cleaner, water, and caustic soda, making it turn black.

What is black oxide used for?

It results in a black, smooth surface finish, and improves corrosion resistance and wear resistance. Black oxide is commonly used as a surface finish in a variety of industrial and commercial applications, including automotive and aerospace components, machinery and tools.

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